Random Background Generator Demo Project
Technologies used
- Dynamic Image Generation
- Loading Effect
Product details
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Random Background Generator Demo Project
The Random Background Generator is an engaging demo project built using JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5. This project allows users to easily generate stunning, high-quality random images with a simple click of a button. Each time you click the "Next Image" button, a new random image is fetched from the free API at picsum.photos, which offers a seamless experience for users looking to refresh their backgrounds or inspiration. Key features include: 1. Users can generate images by specifying two parameters: width and height. For this project, dimensions of 1500x800 pixels are used to ensure high quality. 2. The button includes a visually appealing loading effect, indicating to users that the new image is being fetched. This enhances the overall user experience by providing feedback during the loading process. By leveraging free APIs, this project showcases the simplicity and power of modern web technologies while allowing for creative exploration through random imagery. The Random Background Generator serves as an excellent example for developers looking to create interactive and visually appealing applications.
Real-Time Demo Chat Application Using NodeJs ReactJs Tailwind
This real-time chat application enables users to communicate instantly with each other in a secure, responsive environment. Built using React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB, the app provides seamless user experiences with Socket.io for real-time communication, JWT for secure authentication, and Tailwind CSS for modern UI design. The app supports multiple chat rooms, live message updates, and persistent chat history, ensuring users can stay connected and manage conversations effectively. This chat application leverages modern and popular technologies to create a seamless real-time messaging experience. Frontend Stack: 1. React.js: The core frontend library for building a responsive user interface. 2. @reduxjs/toolkit: Simplifies state management by providing efficient ways to handle global state. 3. React Router DOM: Enables navigation between different app views. 4. Socket.io-client: Powers real-time communication between users. 5. React Hot Toast: Provides notifications for status updates and messages. 6. Axios: Facilitates API requests, especially for handling authentication and chat data. 7. Tailwind CSS: Ensures a sleek and responsive design with minimal effort. Backend Stack: 1. Node.js: The backend runtime for handling asynchronous tasks efficiently. 2. Express.js: A lightweight framework for handling routes and middleware. 3. Socket.io: Enables bidirectional communication between clients and the server. 4. Mongoose: Manages MongoDB interactions with a schema-based solution. 5. JWT (jsonwebtoken): Secures the app with token-based authentication. 6. bcryptjs: Safely encrypts user passwords.