Pure function in react js
## Pure Functions in React.js Pure functions are a cornerstone of functional programming, and they play a crucial role in building predictable and efficient React components. In React, a pure function is a function that: **1. Always returns the same output for the same input.** This means that given the same set of props and state, a pure component will consistently render the same UI. This predictability makes it easier to reason about and debug your code. **2. Has no side effects.** Side effects refer to actions that modify external state, such as modifying global variables, DOM manipulation, or making API calls. Pure components avoid these side effects, ensuring that they don't affect other parts of your application in unexpected ways. **Benefits of Pure Functions in React:** * **Improved Performance:** React can optimize rendering by memoizing the results of pure functions. This means that if the props and state haven't changed, React can simply reuse the previously rendered output, saving time and resources. * **Simplified Reasoning:** Pure functions are easier to understand and test because they are deterministic. This predictability makes your code more reliable and easier to maintain. * **Enhanced Reusability:** Pure components are easily reusable because they don't depend on external state or have side effects. This makes it easier to build modular and scalable React applications. **Example:** ```javascript function Greeting(props) { return <h1>Hello, {props.name}!</h1>; } // This component is pure because it only depends on the props and has no side effects. ``` By adhering to the principles of pure functions, you can build more efficient, predictable, and maintainable React applications.
what is memoization in js
In JavaScript, memoization is a powerful optimization technique that enhances performance by storing the results of expensive function calls and reusing them when the same inputs are encountered again. Essentially, it acts like a cache for function results. Instead of recalculating the same value repeatedly, the memoized function checks if the result for those specific inputs already exists in the cache. If it does, it returns the cached value instantly, saving time and resources. This is particularly useful for functions that involve computationally intensive operations or that are repeatedly called with the same input. Memoization can significantly improve the efficiency of your JavaScript code, especially in scenarios where the function is used frequently with overlapping input data.
What is Memory?
Basic Computer
Memory, often referred to as RAM (Random Access Memory), is the computer's short-term storage space. It holds data and instructions that the processor needs to access quickly and efficiently. Think of it as your computer's workspace. When you open a program or file, it's loaded into memory so the processor can work with it. Memory is volatile, meaning data is lost when the power is turned off. It's different from storage devices like hard drives or SSDs, which store data permanently. For example, when you open a word document, it's loaded into memory so you can edit it. The changes you make are also stored in memory until you save them to the hard drive. Once you close the document, it's removed from memory, but the saved version remains on your hard drive.
## UseState - ReactJS **Q1: What is the purpose of the `useState`
## USEEFFECT - ReactJs **Q: What is the `useEffect` hook in React?** **A:** `useEffect` is a React hook that allows you to perform side effects in functional components. Side effects are operations that interact with the outside world, such as fetching data, setting up subscriptions, or manipulating the DOM. **Q: Why would you use `useEffect` instead of a lifecycle method like `componentDidMount`?** **A:** `useEffect` offers several advantages over lifecycle methods: * **Cleaner code:** `useEffect` allows you to group related side effects together in a single function, improving readability and maintainability. * **Composability:** You can use `useEffect` multiple times within a single component to manage different side effects independently. * **Conciseness:** `useEffect` simplifies the logic for handling side effects, eliminating the need for complex lifecycle method chaining. **Q: How do you use `useEffect` in a functional component?** **A:** The basic syntax for `useEffect` is as follows: ```javascript import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; function MyComponent() { const [data, setData] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { // Side effect code here fetch('https://api.example.com/data') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => setData(data)); }, []); // Empty dependency array indicates the effect should run only once on mount return ( <div> {data.map(item => <p key={item.id}>{item.name}</p>)} </div> ); } ``` **Q: What is the purpose of the dependency array in `useEffect`?** **A:** The dependency array controls when the `useEffect` function will re-run. * **Empty array (`[]`):** The effect will only run once, on component mount. * **Non-empty array (`[prop1, prop2]`):** The effect will run on mount and whenever any of the specified dependencies change. * **No dependency array:** The effect will run on every render, potentially leading to performance issues. **Q: What are some common use cases for `useEffect`?** **A:** * **Fetching data from an API** * **Setting up subscriptions** (e.g., to event sources) * **DOM manipulation** (e.g., scrolling to a specific element) * **Cleanup operations** (e.g., removing event listeners, unsubscribing from subscriptions) * **Asynchronous operations** (e.g., using `setTimeout` or `setInterval`) **Q: How can I prevent `useEffect` from running on every render?** **A:** By specifying a dependency array that includes only the variables that the effect depends on, you ensure that the effect only re-runs when those specific variables change. **Q: What is the difference between `useEffect` and `useLayoutEffect`?** **A:** `useLayoutEffect` is similar to `useEffect`, but it executes its callback **synchronously** after all DOM mutations have been applied. This is useful for cases where the side effect needs to be executed before the browser renders the next frame, such as when manipulating the DOM to ensure the correct layout. **Q: How do I clean up side effects in `useEffect`?** **A:** You can use the return value of the `useEffect` function to perform cleanup operations. The function will be called before the component unmounts or before the effect re-runs. This allows you to unsubscribe from subscriptions, remove event listeners, or perform other necessary cleanup tasks. **Example:** ```javascript useEffect(() => { const intervalId = setInterval(() => { // Some logic }, 1000); return () => clearInterval(intervalId); // Cleanup on unmount or re-run }, []); ``` These questions and answers provide a good foundation for understanding and using the `useEffect` hook in React. Remember to always prioritize using the dependency array to optimize performance and avoid unnecessary re-renders.