Beginner to Advanced Level JavaScript Interview Questions and answers

Beginner to Advanced Level JavaScript Interview Questions and answers

Javascript You save 15% Or Rs 14 7 days validity2024-09-20 last updated Sample Questions
105 91

7 days

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Covered topics

  • Understanding JavaScript syntax and data types
  • Creating and manipulating functions
  • Mastering objects and arrays
  • Implementing asynchronous programming techniques
  • Working with the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Handling events effectively
  • Exploring ES6 features and modern JavaScript
  • Using JavaScript libraries and frameworks
  • Debugging and testing JavaScript code
  • Building interactive web applications

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Top 100+  User Authentication Interview Questions and It's Answers

Top 100+ User Authentication Interview Questions and It's Answers

Auth You save 18% Or Rs 21 7 days validity2024-09-21 last updated Sample Questions
126 105

7 days

Authentication is a cornerstone of software development, ensuring that users are who they claim to be. As security concerns grow, understanding various authentication methods is crucial. Developers often encounter questions on topics like OAuth, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), session-based authentication, and multi-factor authentication (MFA) in interviews. Key Highlights in Authentication: User Identity Verification: Ensures only authorized users access resources. Data Protection: Safeguards sensitive information from unauthorized access. Regulatory Compliance: Meets legal standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). User Experience: Balances security with ease of use. Importance of Authentication: Proper authentication mechanisms are vital for protecting user data and maintaining trust. As cyber threats increase, robust authentication practices prevent data breaches and ensure compliance, making them a top priority for developers and organisations alike.

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Top 200+ react js interview questions for beginners to advanced level

Top 200+ react js interview questions for beginners to advanced level

ReactJs You save 18% Or Rs 28 7 days validity2024-09-20 last updated Sample Questions
140 112

7 days

Most of the topics covered in this course which is the following... 1. Virtual DOM : Understand the Virtual DOM and its role in optimizing rendering performance in React applications. 2. Context API : Explore the Context API for managing state globally without prop drilling, and its use cases compared to traditional state management. 3. React Hooks : Learn about the built-in hooks like - `useState`, `useEffect`, and the creation of custom hooks to encapsulate eusable logic. 4. Performance Optimization : Discuss strategies for optimizing React applications, including techniques such as memoization with `React.memo`, `useMemo`, and `useCallback`. 5. Error Boundaries : Implement error boundaries to gracefully handle errors in component trees and improve user experience. 6. Code Splitting and Lazy Loading : Understand how to split code and dynamically load components to enhance application performance. 7. State Management Libraries : Overview of state management libraries like Redux, MobX, and Zustand, and when to use them versus the built-in Context API. 8. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG) : Explore techniques for rendering React applications on the server to improve performance and SEO, along with tools like Next.js. 9. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) : Learn how to build PWAs with React, focusing on offline capabilities and enhanced user experiences. 10. Testing and Debugging : Understand the tools and techniques for testing React applications, including unit testing with Jest and component testing with React Testing Library. Some example of questions... 1. What is ReactJS? 2. Why ReactJS is Used? 3. How Does ReactJS work? 4. What are the features of ReactJS? 5. What is JSX? 6. How to create components in ReactJS? and more advance lavel questions.

15% off
Beginner to Advanced Level JavaScript Interview Questions and answers

Beginner to Advanced Level JavaScript Interview Questions and answers

Javascript You save 15% Or Rs 14 7 days validity2024-09-20 last updated Sample Questions
105 91

7 days

This course offers a thorough exploration of JavaScript, starting from the very basics and advancing to complex concepts. You will learn about the fundamental building blocks of JavaScript, including variables, data types, and functions. As you progress, we will delve into object-oriented programming, asynchronous programming with Promises and async/await, and the intricacies of the Document Object Model (DOM). Real-world applications and hands-on projects will solidify your understanding and skill set. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped to tackle real-world JavaScript projects with confidence.

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Top 200+ Most asked NodeJs Interview Questions and Answers

Top 200+ Most asked NodeJs Interview Questions and Answers

NodeJs You save 12% Or Rs 14 7 days validity2024-09-20 last updated Sample Questions
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When preparing for a Node.js interview, focus on understanding core concepts like the event loop, non-blocking I/O, asynchronous programming, modules (npm), common Node.js APIs, and popular frameworks like Express.js here are a few key categories with example questions to cover a wide range of Node.js interview topics: 1. What is Node.js? 2. Why use Node.js? 3. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code in Node.js? 4. How does the Node.js event loop work? etc..

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Top 150+ HTML Interview Questions for beginners and experienced

Top 150+ HTML Interview Questions for beginners and experienced

Html5 You save 22% Or Rs 14 7 days validity2024-09-20 last updated Sample Questions
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Top 100 interview questions and answers provide a comprehensive overview of the language, making them an invaluable resource for the aspiring candidates. and we included all topics to inhace your confidence lavel like - 1. HTML 2. Colors RGB HEX HSL 3. Links Link Colors Link Bookmarks 4. Images Image Map Background Images The Picture Element 4. HTML Tables Table Borders Table Sizes Table Headers Padding & Spacing Colspan & Rowspan Table Styling Table Colgroup, 5. Lists Unordered Lists Ordered Lists Other Lists etc..

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This CSS course offers comprehensive coverage of topics from beginner to advanced levels. It starts with basic concepts such as borders, colors, text styling, and fonts, helping you understand the essential elements of web design. You will also learn the box model, which is crucial for controlling layout and spacing. The course then progresses to more advanced techniques like Flexbox, a layout module that enables efficient alignment and distribution of space within containers, and CSS Grid, which offers powerful tools for creating complex, responsive layouts. By the end, you'll master the skills needed to build visually appealing, structured web pages.

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Axios You save 21% Or Rs 28 7 days validity2024-09-23 last updated Sample Questions
147 119

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React axios interview questions and answers for beginners to experienced developer. Axios is a promise-based HTTP client for making requests to a server in React applications. It simplifies sending async HTTP requests and handling responses. You can use the axios.get() method inside a React component, typically within useEffect for fetching data on component mount. The method sends data to the server, used in forms or for updating data. Handling errors in requests using .catch() or try-catch blocks. Axios Interceptors Interceptors allow the modification of requests or responses before they are handled by .then() or .catch(). Using Async/Await with Axios Setting default headers for all requests, such as Authorization tokens for example :- useEffect(() => { axios.get('/api/data').then(response => setData(; }, []);

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MySQL You save 18% Or Rs 21 7 days validity2024-09-21 last updated Sample Questions
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7 days

Prepare for your interview with this guide on Mongoose, covering core concepts and functionalities to enhance your technical skills. Mongoose handles data validation, casting, and business logic, streamlining the development process and ensuring data integrity. Mongoose is a popular Object Data Modelling library for MongoDB and Node.js. It provides a straightforward, schema-based solution to model application data, making it easier to work with MongoDB within a Node.js environment.

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Top Express.js Interview Questions: Prepare for Your Next Developer Role

Top Express.js Interview Questions: Prepare for Your Next Developer Role

ExpressJs You save 22% Or Rs 35 7 days validity2024-09-21 last updated Sample Questions
154 119

7 days

In the fast-evolving landscape of web development, Express.js has emerged as a key framework for building robust APIs and web applications. This blog explores essential interview questions related to Express.js, covering fundamental concepts, best practices, and advanced topics. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide will help you confidently navigate Express.js interviews and demonstrate your expertise. - Understand middleware, routing, and request/response handling. - Differentiate between Express.js and other frameworks like Koa or Hapi. - he role of middleware in processing requests. - Examples of built-in middleware and how to create custom middleware. - Techniques for managing errors in Express.js applications. - Best practices for creating a robust error-handling middleware. - Understand dynamic routing and parameter handling. - Compare RESTful routing with traditional routing methods. - Discuss techniques to secure Express.js applications, including CORS, helmet, and rate limiting.